
(Group Project; I did Concept Ideation and UX design)
CoGreen is an imaginary organization working to empower urban communities and improve human connections. The brand works in close attention with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.


Cities should enhance participaroty, integrate and sustainble human settlement, reduce per capital envirolmental impact, support positive links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas, and adopt policies and plans towards inclusion and resource efficiency.

Key Research Findings

1. Importance of Green during Global Pandemic
2. Dissonance of Digital Togetherness
3. Food Desert
4. Vacant Properties due to Lockdowns

Solution - CoGreen
Here at CoGreen, we believe that a collective experience of developing urban greenery can engage the community members to stay connected during pandemic. We promote a positive cycle of feedbacks between urban communities and environment. We are dedicated to empower the community through collective farming experience within urban establishments, and advocate the flow of fresh food to low income communities. With this urban infrastructure, we aim to reform community building and human engagement for a more sustainable future in city settings.


LAB REPORTS: BRANDING/VI  MUSEPoD  AHA!   XIAN   SMOOSH   cogreen   49City    UI/UX TRIPLAN   MUSEPoD  Rome2Rio   CODING/MOTION  ScreamingOldBaby   AnonymousCity    FINE ART 90s:Self&Time   MFA Thesis