90s: Self and Time

Book Design
In the 90s, Chinese society was experiencing a drastic change from the planned economy to market economy. The market welcomed a huge wave of incoming cultures from the western world. Artists from all disciplines started their novel experiments in hopes of getting rid of the conventionality and inherent boundaries. During the time, the "sixth generation" directors of Chinese cinema produced a lot of works underground. They focused their camera to the marginalized groups of the society - the LGBTQ group, criminals, and prostitutes, telling stories from the shadows.
These directors were the rebellious ones. They didn't weave grand historical tellings into their creations, but the stories were irresistibly sharp reflection of the time they are in.
The book broke down stories from movies “Suzhou River”, “Summer Palace” by Lou Ye; “Beijing Bicycle” by Wang Xiaoshuai, and my own photography works, and reorganize them into 4 new stories: Strive, Break Through, Get Lost, and Destiny. The fracturing and reformation of stories reflected the interconnected and predestined nature of life, and each individual is eventually part of a bigger story.

LAB REPORTS: BRANDING/VI  MUSEPoD  AHA!   XIAN   SMOOSH   cogreen   49City    UI/UX TRIPLAN   MUSEPoD  Rome2Rio   CODING/MOTION  ScreamingOldBaby   AnonymousCity    FINE ART 90s:Self&Time   MFA Thesis